
We use smart cards at our company for all kinds of authentication, document signing, and encryption. After moving back to Linux (Debian + Gnome) from Mac, I thought adding a new layer of security would be a neat idea. I was sure that there’s an easy way to do this under Linux, yet I was more sure that the documentation would be missing! And yes, I was right both times.


We configure PAM to enforce smart card authentication in addition to the standard password prompt as second factor authentication. You need to have a smart card (with valid keys) and a PKCS#11 module to read your card (either OpenSC or one from card’s vendor).


Smart Cards

A smart card is a cryptographic token which uses assymetric cryptography for authentication, encryption, and signing (non-repudiation). Since you’ve made it to this blog, I’ll just assume that you already own one and know what it’s good for!


Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) are a set of standards which aim to ease the development and deployment of applications based on public key cryptogaphy. At the moment, there are 15 standards numbered PKCS#1 to PKCS#15 (some are withdrawn). Here, we only care for PKCS#11:

standard for cryptographic tokens controlling authentication information (personal identity, cryptographic keys, certificates, digital signatures, biometric data)

You can consider PKCS#11 to be the technical specification/implementation of smart cards.

Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM)

Let’s just borrow the defintion of PAM from

PAM is a collection of modules that essentially form a barrier between a service on your system, and the user of the service. The modules can have widely varying purposes, from disallowing a login to users from a particular UNIX group (or netgroup, or subnet…), to implementing resource limits so that your ‘research’ group can’t hog system resources.

PAM is available on a number of commercial and free Linux distributions. Take a look under /etc/pam.d/ to see if your system is already using PAM or not.


First we need to make sure that the smart card can be accessed correctly. I just suppose that OpenSC is already installed.

pkcs11-tool --show-info

If you get No slot with a token was found., but the card is inserted and the reader is shown, OpenSC does not recognize your card and you might need a dedicated PKCS#11 module for your card:

pkcs11-tool --module /PATH/TO/MODULE --show-info

If you see token information (label, flags, etc.), you’re good to go.

System Configuration

Configuring PAM is fairly easy. What takes more time is configuring the PAM module that uses PKCS#11 for authentication. Luckily, OpenSC provides such module and we just need to take care of the declarative configuration.

PAM PKCS#11 Module

OpenSC provides a PAM login modules for PKCS#11 (libpam-pkcs11) which first need to be configured, before we get to PAM settings. An example configuration is delivered with libpam-pkcs11 (search for pam_pkcs11.conf.example) which needs to be copied to /etc/pam_pkcs11 (without the .example suffix). This file contains:

  1. General settings (e.g., debug config)
  2. (Multiple) PKCS#11 module configurations
  3. Mapper configurations

You might need to read the manual for detailed explanation, here we limit ourselves to module and mapper configurations.

If your’re lucky enough and your card works outt of the box with OpenSC (see previous section), you just need to take care of minor changes to module configuration and define mappers. My card did not work out of the box and I ended adding the following module definition:

pkcs11_module mymodule {
  description = "My pkcs#11 module";
  slot_description = "none";
  support_threads = false;
  ca_dir = /etc/pam_pkcs11/cacerts/ca-chain.pem;
  cert_policy = ca,signature;
  token_type = "Smart card";

I also changed the value of use_pkcs11_module to use_pkcs11_module = mymodule;, so by default my PKCS#11 and not the one from OpenSC is used. What matters here are module, ca_dir, and cert_policy:

  • module is set to the PKCS#11 module path
  • ca_dir is set to the certificate chain file
  • cert_policy is set to cert chain and signature verification

This configuration uses my proprietary module to access the smart card, validates the certificate chain using the file given in ca_dir and verifies the signature. For some reason, having the CA certificates separately did not work for me so I concatenated all intermediate CA certs (including the root) into a single file (ca-chain.pem) and used it instead. Yes, I know it says ca_dir but believe you me, openSSL (used under the hood for validations) also accepts a single file as argument. Finally, note that setting cert_policy to none is a bad idea: anyonen can buy a blank smart card and try to spoof your ID and get through with it.

The last step is to setup mappers before configuring PAM. A mapper simply defines how to map a certificate stored on a smart card to a user name on your machine. I used both cn (common name) and email mappers:

use_mappers = cn, mail;

mapper cn {
      debug = false;
      module = internal;
      ignorecase = true;
      mapfile = file:///etc/pam_pkcs11/cn_map;

mapper mail {
      debug = false;
      module = internal;
      mapfile = file:///etc/pam_pkcs11/mail_map;
      ignorecase = true;
      ignoredomain = false;

Now you just need to create and fill two mapping files /etc/pam_pkcs11/cn_map and /etc/pam_pkcs11/mail_map using the simple VALUE -> USER format. For example, you can have the following for email mapping for user jsmith if the certificate has john.smith@example in its subject alternative name (SAN): -> jsmith

If you need to read the certificate from the smartcard before setting up mappers, you first need to find out the ID of desired certificate on your card (a card can carry multiple objects):

# use with --module flag in needed
pkcs11-tool --list-objects

The fetch the certificate, pipe it to openSSL and voila:

pkcs11-tool --read-object --type cert --id ID_FROM_PREV_STEP |
  openssl x509 -inform der -noout -text

You can also use this to verify the cert against the certificate chain that you created earlier:

pkcs11-tool --read-object --type cert --id ID_FROM_PREV_STEP |
  openssl x509 -inform der |
  openssl verify -CAdir /etc/pam_pkcs11/cacerts/ca-chain.pem

Note: proper flag for the last openssl would be CAfile, I just used CAdir to show that it also works if a file (and not a directory) is passed.

Now that you have everything configured, you can verify that you setup works properly. Luckily, you can simulate the login procedure using pklogin_finder:

pklogin_finder debug

This would automatically read your configuration (you can also set it explicitly using config flag), simulate the login procedure, and let you know if everything works properly.

Configuring PAM

I really don’t want to get into PAM confguration files, but you can see some examples under /etc/pam.d/.

Using PAM with the smart card with the configuration from previous section is as easy as adding a single line to your PAM configurations:

auth	required

For console logins, for example, you can add this line to /etc/pam.d/login. I use gnome and added this line to /etc/pam.d/gdm-password:

auth    requisite
auth	required user != root quiet_success
@include common-auth
auth	required
auth    optional
@include common-account
# SELinux needs to be the first session rule. This ensures that any 
# lingering context has been cleared. Without this it is possible 
# that a module could execute code in the wrong domain.
session [success=ok ignore=ignore module_unknown=ignore default=bad] close
session required
# SELinux needs to intervene at login time to ensure that the process
# starts in the proper default security context. Only sessions which are
# intended to run in the user's context should be run after this.
session [success=ok ignore=ignore module_unknown=ignore default=bad] open
session optional force revoke
session required
session required readenv=1
session required readenv=1 envfile=/etc/default/locale
@include common-session
session optional auto_start
@include common-password

Everytime I login, after entering my password it checks for the smart card and asks for my pin. Voilà! 2FA for my user over GUI login!